Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Director of the Jean Monnet Center of ExcellenceProf. Tadeusz Wallas

The European Union is in the process of constant change, challenged not only by domestic processes in Europe, but also facing – more and more intensively – dynamic developments in its neighborhood as well as the new global order that is emerging nowadays. Strengthening position of China, Russia reconstructing its geopolitical position, and weakening Euro-Atlantic ties go alongside instability in Ukraine, Middle East and North Africa.To understand these processes both in academia as well as among European citizens, the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan has designed a new step in a long way of its activities promoting the European integration and teaching about the European Union. Together with being granted by the European Commission Erasmus+ Program the status of Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, our team is starting a new set of actions named as “EU EX/ACT” project - “EU External Actions in the contested global order – (in)coherence, (dis)continuity, resilience”.In the following three years we plan to analyses and explain the European Union’s role in international politics, offering our expertise to a wide audience, including various disciplines students, scholars and practitioners dealing or interested with this thematic field. I would like to address here all the interested individuals and institutions with a warm invitation to join us and to participate in the events we will be implementing. I am looking forward to continue with our European integration debates.
The key objective of the EU EX/ACT project is to enhance understanding of the European Union’s role in international politics by equipping a wide range of students of various disciplines, scholars representing numerous domestic and foreign academic centres and practitioners with the knowledge, skills and competences related to external actions and external involvement of the European Union. They will be instructed and socialised in the European spirit of mutual understanding, political and economic solidarity and European responsibility, which are all rooted in the current and changing nature of the international environment as well as deeply settled in the various levels of development strategies, from communitarian to national ones.
The main objective of the EU EX/ACT project is to equip students, scholars and other recipients of the project with appropriate tools to navigate in this newly emerging international reality of the European integration in is external dimension.
The main activities of the EU EX/ACT will include:
1. teaching: regular seminars and public lectures addressed at a wide range of academic recipients in AMU as well as other universities;
2. deliverables (including a website, leaflets, bulletins, films, an academic book, research articles, didactic and conference materials);
3. research (conducted by AMU and guest researchers in Poland and abroad and presented in the form of academic publications and conference papers);
4. events (numerous conferences, meetings and sessions).
- Institutions or academics not yet in receipt of Jean Monnet funding
- Students who do not automatically come into contact with European Union studies
The implementation of the project will be the responsibility of a team of highly specialised researchers into EU issues, working at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, led by prof. Andrzej Stelmach, the Dean of the Faculty.
- Prof. Tadeusz Wallas (Director of the Centre)
- Prof. Zbigniew Czachór
- Prof. Jarosław Jańczak
- Prof. Magdalena Musiał-Karg
- Prof. Beata Przybylska-Maszner
- Prof. Andrzej Stelmach
- Prof. Maciej Walkowski
- Dr Tomasz Brańka
- Dr Krzysztof Duda
- Dr Joanna Jancz
- Dr Adam Jaskulski
- Dr Joanna Skrzypczyńska
- Mgr Kinga Jasiak
- Mgr Rafał Szymanowski
- Jean Monnet Module: 2013-2016
The European Integration Process. The double reunification through the EU Education Policies 1948-2012 (EDUPOL); prof. Ettore Deodatto
- Jean Monnet Chair: 2014-2017
The changing perspective of the European integration process in the Multi-Speed European Union (MULTIEU), prof. Zbigniew Czachór
- Jean Monnet Chair: 2016-2019
European Union – Economic Development, Young Europeans and Innovations in Crisis Overcoming and Union’s Sustainability (EU DYNAMICUS), prof. Maciej Walkowski
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Umultowska 89a, 61-614 Poznan, Poland
The Centre has been funded with support from the European Commission. The webpage and the publications of the centre reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.