In the early February, Magni Szymaniak-Arnesen, participated in the 6th Deliberative Democracy Summer School organized by the Center for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance at the University of Canberra, the world’s leading research center in the field of deliberative democracy, and the symposium on the future of deliberative democracy accompanying the Center’s 10th anniversary celebration.
The summer school program included speeches and panel discussions with a number of renowned deliberative democracy researchers from Australia, Europe, Brazil and Canada.
The summer school also featured a “Meet the editors” workshop with editors from three international scholarly journals: Journal of Deliberative Democracy, Democratic Theory and Australian Journal of Political Science, and a methodology workshop with the contributors to the publication “Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy” edited by Selen Ercan, Hans Asenbaum, Nicole Curato and Ricardo F. Mendonça.
Coming from different parts of the world, the participants of the summer school presented their research during nine panels and received feedback from more experienced researchers. Magni gave a presentation on their dissertation on the scopes and impact on public policies of citizen panels held in Polish cities, and was featured in a panel on deliberative democracy and local government, along with Emanuela Savini and Anne Jedzini, who talked about the Australian experiences. The panel was moderated by Dr. Adele Webb of the Center for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, and the discussant was Prof. Brigitte Geißel from Goethe University in Frankfurt.
The visit was funded by the “Excellence Initiative - Research University” (ID-UB) program and the SONATA Bis grant (UMO-2021/42/E/HS5/00155) from the National Science Center.
Link to the summary video of the Summer School on YouTube: