In October and November 2023, Democratic Innovations research group observed the organization of Citizens’ Assembly for a Green Capital in Tallinn, Estonia. The Assembly was organized in order to answer the question of: ‘How can we link Tallinn’s green spaces into an inviting urban whole?’ and comprised of 5 days observed within the scope of the research:
- Knowledge Acquisition Day (07.10.2023)
- Listening to the Interest Groups Day (08.10.2023)
- Discussion Day (14.10.2023)
- Proposal Day (15.10.2023)
- Decision Day (04.11.2023)
During the assembly Democratic Innovations research team conducted pre-assembly and post-assembly surveys with the participants, the role of which was to gather participants’ opinions on the process and the assembly itself, as well as to serve further research purposes in comparison of citizens’ assemblies organized in Europe.
Further research is planned on the Citizens’ Assembly for a Green Capital in Tallinn, including: conducting in-depth interviews with the participants of the citizens’ assembly, organizers and facilitators/moderators of discussion.