Parallel with the climate assembly taking place in Lodz, the Krakow Transport Assembly was held for five weekend days in March and April 2023. This was the second citizens' assembly organized in Krakow after the 2021 Krakow Climate Assembly. The selected operators and moderators of the transport panel were the Pole Dialogu Foundation and the Optimum Pareto Foundation.
The panel was to answer the question, "How can the City of Krakow and residents influence the further development of sustainable transportation measures?" with a focus on the following issues:
- optimization of movement around the city,
- how to provide parking spaces,
- reducing emissions from transportation,
- managing vehicle traffic in the city.
The panel included 80 randomly selected residents of Krakow. The final group reflected the demographic structure of the local society
Our Team participated in the event as process observers, and surveyed its participants before and after the Assembly. The surveys were conducted primarily for research purposes, but they also included process evaluation questions for the organizers' needs.
A few weeks after the Krakow Transportation Assembly, our Team organized follow-up focus group interviews. One group consisted of former participants, while the other group consisted of demographically comparable inhabitants of Kraków who had not participated in the Panel. The focus group study was designed to observe the impact of citizens' assembly participation on the understanding and attitudes toward this decision-making tool.