Lecture: Deliberative Democracy Instruments as a Panacea for Democracy in Crisis

Join us for a Lecture by Paulina Pospieszna on May 22nd at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University. Organized within the Jean Monnet Policy Network (JMPN) project ValEUs, this event aims to tackle the pressing challenges facing the European Union and explore potential solutions, especially within its foreign policy. As a Principal Investigator of research projects funded by the National Science Center focusing on democratic innovations, particularly deliberative democracy instruments, Paulina Pospieszna and her team delve into the design, roles of involved actors, and impact of processes aimed at enhancing representative democracy. During this presentation, she will share invaluable insights gained from these projects.

Starting with an exploration of the European Union's role as a democracy promoter and the dilemmas it faces, she will discuss the concept of the democratic deficit within the EU and the broader crisis of representative democracy. This sets the stage for

Deliberative Democracy Instruments as a Panacea for Democracy in Crisis

understanding the necessity of democratic innovations as responses to these challenges, with a spotlight on deliberative democracy. She will discuss the mechanisms and tools utilized for inclusive decision-making, with a focus on citizens' assemblies. Through examples from the EU, including the Conference on the Future of Europe, she will discuss how these mechanisms are put into practice. She will delve into key research questions such as the motivations behind political leaders establishing citizens' assemblies, their impact on participants, and their contribution to advancing democratic renewal. Join, either in person or online via YouTube as advertised on the poster.