On February 12, 2024, Paulina Pospieszna participated in a one-day event at the European University Institute, organized by The Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG).
The workshop “Nonviolence as Democratic Innovation,” moderated and led by Claudio Radaelli and Virginia Fiume, brought together university researchers and practitioners engaged in nonviolent struggle, conflict, and related practices. The focus of the workshop was to explore the framing of nonviolence as a democratic innovation. The workshop was supported by a networking grant from UACES – University Association for Contemporary European Studies, and received additional support from the Journal of Pacifism and Nonviolence and the Transnational Democracy in the 21st Century Cluster of the European University Institute.
As a panelist, Paulina Pospieszna presented on the topic of "Democratic Innovations by Polish NGOs in Ukraine Amid Conflict." This presentation provided a valuable opportunity to share insights and engage in discussions about the role of NGOs in promoting democratic practices in conflict settings.
Additionally, the event offered Pospieszna a great opportunity to meet with scholars involved in The Democratic Odyssey project, led by Kalypso Nicolaïdis. The Democratic Odyssey is a collaborative campaign aimed at developing a concept and strategy to institutionalize a permanent people's assembly within the European Union.