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We are partnering up with Facebook

Our Faculty members will participate in an important project that gathers European researchers. Partnering up with Facebook, they will aplore the issues of desinformation in social media.

Starting this year, the SHARENEWS: Predicting the Shareworthiness of ‘Real’ and ‘Fake’ News in Europe research project is kicking off. The project is being implemented by the university in Amsterdam, and the project team includes our very own: prof. Agnieszka Stępińska, dr Jakub Jakubowski, and Denis Halagiera M.A.

The grant came about thanks to cooperation with Facebook, which is willing to open up its databases for scientific research. Analises stretched over a several-year period are supposed to provide answers as to what makes us click on the information that appears on our social feeds and can those tendencies explain the emergent popularity of the so-called „fake news”.  The project is therefore supposed to contribute to the solving of one of the mosr pressing problems of our time: the spread of unverified and false information and their influence on our behaviours and attitudes.