MAEllias Aghili Dehnavi

- Consultation
- Mondays 11:00-1:00 PM
- Wednesdays 11:00-1:00 PM
Ellias Aghili Dehnavi is a young well-known International author, researcher, and peace-studies scholar; Ellias' areas of expertise are diverse, and he has a strong taste for interdisciplinary areas of study. Topics like: U.S and Canadian foreign policies, U.S - Iran relations, Domestic politics of the United States, conflict resolutions' studies, politics of immigration, and climate change (particularly, with an emphasis on Latin America = U.S & Canada flows) exploring the main reasons for new far Asian hegemonic powers' outburst which challenge the status quo, post-modern factors shaping the modern public diplomacy, probing the psychological aspects of the foreign policy decision-makers and finally, with strange eons, making feasible connections between the biological sciences and political sciences.
Mr. Aghili Dehnavi has been awarded various international letters of approbation and prizes visa-a-vis his scholarly endeavors in the fields of international relations and diplomatic activities; these awards range from World Heritage Robben Island Fence Medallion to the Diplomatic Recommendation and approbation letters addressed to him and those affiliated with him. Publishing his first book at the age of 16 was the beginning of a long way. Five of his book have been selected as the TRD Hmbg Publication book of the Month in the United States, the most famous of which is "A Melody Called Peace" which received an astonishing letter from the office of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and also one approbation diplomatic letter from the Holy See Rep. Nuncio Apostolico, Leo Boccardi; it is worth mentioning that Paul John Amrod and Ellias are the authors of the longest epic poem of 21st century (Adventures of two captains).
Mr. Dehnavi currently owns his own International Academy (M.O.P) and is also the educational partner of some famous and well-accredited colleges in the UK and the Republic of South Africa; he's open to helping the students of the liberal arts (especially International Relations, Regional Studies, Political Sciences, and English Literature) in pursuing their academic goals and dreams (as much as he can). As a dynamic Student, Ellias is always thirsty to learn and cooperate. PhD student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz University's Faculty of Political Science and Journalism.
- Dehnavi, E. A., & Fiedler, R. (2024b). Adventures of Two Captains’ Trilogy and U.S Exceptionalism in their Foreign Policy: Manifestation of Think Tanks in a literary work. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science, 9(3), 277–281.
- Fiedler, R. A., & Dehnavi, E. A. (2024b). Weaknesses of policy making in Iran to reduce the rate of departure of elites from the country. ResearchGate.
- Fiedler, R., & Dehnavi, E. A. (2024). Navigating Engagement with Iran: Exploring US Strategies and Options: A Futuristic Scenario and Review. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science, 9(2), 109–113.
- Fiedler, R., & Dehnavi, E. A. (2024b). Navigating Engagement with Iran: Exploring US Strategies and Options: A Futuristic Scenario and Review. International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science, 9(2), 109–113.
- Fiedler, R. A., & Dehnavi, E. A. (2024c). From Isfahan to Poznan: Cultural-Historical Interactions between Poland and Iran. ResearchGate.
- The Styles in the American Politics Volume II, Conservative Think Tanks and Their Foreign Policy: A Booklet, Radoslaw Fiedler, Ellias Aghili Dehnavi, ISBN: 978-3-384-13035-8.