university professorPrzemysław Osiewicz

university professor
- MONOGRAFIA: Foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran: Between Ideology and Pragmatism, Routledge, Abingdon, UK and New York 2021.
- P. Osiewicz, M. Skrzypek, Is Spain becoming a militant democracy? Empirical evidence from Freedom House reports, „Aportes. Revista de Historia Contemporánea” 2020, Vol. 35, No. 2, s. 7-33.
- Ideologizing and Fundamentalism in Iranian Foreign Policy under the Hassan Rouhani Presidency, „U.S. Air Force Journal of European, Middle Eastern & African Studies”, Winter 2019.
- Turkey’s Comeback to Central Asia: Towards a New Grand Strategy?, w: Beyond Europe: Reconnecting Eurasia, T. Wallas, A. Stelmach, R. Wisniewski (red.), Logos Verlag, Berlin 2019.
- Iran’s Foreign Policy Toward Central Asia After 2013, w: European Union and Central Asia: Policies and Reality, R. Fiedler, T. Wallas, P. Osiewicz, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2018.
- The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Implications for Iran-China Relations, „Przegląd Strategiczny” 2018, Vol. 11.
- EU-Turkey Accession Negotiations: Towards a Diplomatic Failure?, „Yearbook of Polish European Studies”, 2017, vol. 20.
- Iran-China Relations Revisited: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), w: Beyond Europe: Politics and Change in Global and Regional Affairs, R. Fiedler, A. Stelmach (red.), Logos Verlag, Berlin 2018.
- The European Union and the People’s Republic of China’s attitudes towards the Middle East: Convergent and divergent political interests, w: Routledge Handbook of Asia in World Politics, Teh-Kuang Chang, Angelin Chang (red.), Routledge, New York 2017.
- MONOGRAFIA: P. Osiewicz, S. Wojciechowski, Zrozumieć współczesny terroryzm, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2017.
- Stosunki międzynarodowe w regionie Bliskiego Wschodu, P. Osiewicz (red.), Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2016.
- Transformation Processes in Egypt After 2011 – the Causes, Their Course and International Response, R. Fiedler, P. Osiewicz (red.), Logos Verlag, Berlin 2015.
- Turkey and Its Position on the Cyprus Question After 1974, w: Turkey-Poland. 600 Years of Friendship, V. Ayhan, P. Osiewicz, M. Kural (red.), IMPR, Ankara 2014.
- MONOGRAFIA: Konflikt cypryjski, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2013.
- European Exclaves in the Process of De-bordering and Re-bordering, J. Jańczak, P. Osiewicz (red.), Logos Verlag, Berlin 2012.
- MONOGRAFIA: T. Brańka, M. Lorenc, P. Osiewicz, A. Potyrała, Irak – między wojną a pokojem, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2010.
- MONOGRAFIA: Pokojowa regulacja kwestii cypryjskiej. Aspekty prawne i polityczne, MADO, Toruń 2008.