Departament of Modern Political History
The research conducted in the Department focuses on colonialism and the process of decolonisation after 1945, including the theory of postcolonialism; on religious issues in contemporary Poland and the problems of collective memory of Polish society and the politics of (historical) memory; on migration issues, including the immigration of foreigners to Poland and Polish migration policy; historical anniversaries and the politics of memory, the political history of Italy and the evolution of the political and party system and the transformation of the Italian political scene; the political and social aspects of European integration, flexible integration in the European integration process, women's participation in politics, direct democracy - independence referenda in Spain.
- colonialism, decolonisation, postcolonialism theory
- religious issues in Poland, politics of memory
- migration, Polish migration policy,
- historical anniversaries, political and party system in Italy
- flexible integration, women's participation, direct democracy
- Research Project Two Twenty Years. II and III RP in the history of Poland. Society, state, geopolitics. Registration number of the research project N N116427537. Project realised in the period 26 VIII 2009 - 31 XII 2011 Grant manager Prof. UAM dr Witold Mazurczak
- International project funded by International Visegrad Fund "From transformation to integration - women's role and their participation in public life of the Visegrad" (Programme: Small Grant - Project No: 11520031); Grant Manager: Prof. UAM dr hab. Magdalena Musiał-Karg and Prof. UAM dr hab. Elżbieta Lesiewicz (realisation September 2015-March 2016)
- The project "Disintegration and the Collapse of the USSR. In the perspective of a quarter of a century" co-financed by the MNiSzW in the framework of the agreement 831/P-DUN/2017, for activities disseminating science. The project was implemented by the Centre for European Research and Education in Poznań. Author and coordinator Prof. UAM dr hab. Paweł Stachowiak
- European Commission/Erasmus+/Jean Monnet Programme project number 587453-EPP-1-2017-1-PL-EPPJMO-MODULE/"Energy for the Future. European studies to challenges in the European Union" carried out at the University of Gdansk in 2017-2020. The project includes, among others, a keynote speaker for the scientific seminar Research Challenges for European Studies. Part II Migration policy (May 2019). Anita Adamczyk member of the research team.
- National research project: The place and role of anniversary resolutions of the Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland in the Polish politics of memory, NCN OPUS 13 registration no. 2017/25/B/HS5/01425], years 2018-2022. Grant manager PhD, Assistant Professor Bartłomiej Secler Ph.
- university professor
Elżbieta Lesiewicz
- university professor
Anita Adamczyk
- university professor
Witold Mazurczak
- university professor
Paweł Stachowiak
- prof. UAM dr hab.
Rafał Reczek