The European Integration Process. The double reunification through the EU Education Policies (1948-2012)

Key staff: Ettore Deodato, Beata Przybylska-Maszner, Magdalena-Musiał-Karg

In 2013, we were awarded a three-year grant under the Jean Monnet Programme to support teaching on The European Integration Process. The double reunification through the EU Education Policies (1948-2012). The modules were delivered at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan as a compulsory course  and opened for students from other faculties and departments.

The European Module “The European Integration Process. The double reunification through the EU Education Policies (1948-2012)” has been selected as a Jean Monnet Action under the Lifelong Learning Programme by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission. The course was part of the European action which aims at stimulating teaching, research and reflection in the field of European integration studies at the level of higher education institutions within and outside the European Community in the period 2013-2015.

Teaching and informing new generations of students on the European Integration process was a major engine to unite people and countries after the disaster of the Second World War. Teaching students on how, in this context, Education and Training, exchanges of students and experiences, co-operation among the European Universities and VET Providers were crucial factors in this process of uniting Europe after the conflict and the creation of “two” different political and ideological areas in the old Continent. The “double” reunification of Europe, first in the Western part, after with the “retrouvailles” with the Eastern part has been an historical masterpiece and the Education and Training sectors in Europe has played a major role. Aims and objectives of this EDUPOL Module were found in the compulsory need to inform the new generations of students about the long and difficult process beyond this “double” reunification.

In this context, EDUPOL

  • introduced the module „The European Integration Process. The double reunification through the EU Education Policies (1948-2012)” as a transversal course on EU integration for all the disciplines taught at AMU. The module will take a form of a general course on European Integration issues seen through the development of Europe of knowledge and achievements of EU Education Policies.
  • analyzed the impact of European Education Policies on the process of European Integration and creation of Europe of knowledge;
  • developed students’ competence and knowledge of European Integration issues for further professional formation. Involving Secondary Schools students by the means of bi-annual meeting to be held at AMU with the participation of Poznan and Wielkopolska Secondary Theachers and students.
  • stimulated teaching, research and reflection in the field of European Integration studies at the level of AMU and other higher education institutions;
  • stimulated the general public interest to EU Integration process, by organising open conferences, with the Municipality of Poznan,  with the participation of civil servants and citizens in general.

Innovative character

The innovative character of this project was to make students aware of the enormous importance of EU Integration History and of the crucial role played, in this process, by the Education and Training EU Programmes. The starting point -1945, when a German student can study in France only after a long administrative procedure lasting almost 6 months. The step further was to describe the innovation of the new, post war, bilateral agreements among European Universities, (re)discovering the importance of breaking stereotypes and “préjugèes” raised by the conflict. Then to describe the first programmes like PETRA and COMETT carrying out a real European co-operation in the field of Education and Training and creating a symbolic “first” reunification of Western Europe. Clearly confirmed by programmes like ERASMUS  Extremely Innovative was also to describe how the countries of the Communist Block were supported by programmes like TEMPUS to find again the “fil rouge” of the co-operation of Western Europe until the second symbolic reunification when these countries joined ERASMUS years before they joined the European Union. A  special attention was paid also to the JEAN MONNET programme in its evolution from the “Pioneers Chairs” to the Centres of Excellence to the Innovative initiatives taken in collaboration with the Secondary Education School.

LECTURER: Ettore Deodato

The 46 hours Module dealt, in parallel, with the evolution of the European Integration since 1948 and the development of the Educational agreements and policies among the European Countries and, after 1956, in the context of the European Institutions. The main target of the Module was to demonstrate how Europe has changed since the end of the Second World War and through the European Integration with the crucial support of Education and Training and the EU policies in this framework. The “double reunification”, quoted in the title of the Module, is the one of Western European Universities and students after the terrible conflict and the other one, after the Berlin wall collapse, with the Eastern Countries Education world. Both of them with the crucial support of the exchange of students, cooperation among Universities, exchange of best practises. In this context the Module explained the clear role played by the EU Programmes in the field.


Europe after the Second World War. The enormous difficulties to study abroad in Europe. Integration and the great effort of the Pro-European movements. Post-war European cooperation in education. Follow-up to the Hague Congress. The Western European Union and university cooperation, “the first reunification”. The European University Institute in Florence: a difficult start.The Council of Europe. The absence of The early stages of Community integration, absence of Education. Gradual, economy-centred Community integration. Winds of change in the 1960s.


The first meeting of the ministers for education at Community level. The preparation of the first Community action programme in the field of education. The resolution of February 1976, founding act for Community cooperation in the field of education. The first action programme. Difficulties in the Integration: The institutional ‘crisis’ in the years 1978–80. From education for the children of migrant workers to intercultural education. The bases of university cooperation. The transition from school to working life. Exchange of information: the linchpin of cooperation. The promotion of languages. The other fields of action. Cooperation with the social partners and the representatives of civil society. The establishment of a unique structure: the Education Committee. The administrative development of education within the European Commission: anchoring education in social affairs and employ  Vocational training, an increasingly important component of economic and social policy.


Revitalizing European integration and political union: a citizens’ Europe. Higher education is brought within the scope of the treaty. The Commission prepares for the future through discussion and consultation. Role of education and training in the social dialogue. Strengthening education and training within the European Commission: a separate directorate-general. The emergence of the major Community programmes on education and training. Comett: university–enterprise cooperation :Erasmus: university cooperation and student mobility. PETRA: giving priority to initial training for young people. Lingua: promoting the teaching of foreign languages. FORCE and Eurotecnet: continuing vocational training. Tempus: support for the process of reforming higher education in the European Union’s partner countries. Youth : more youth exchanges for more European citizenship. Cooperation outside the programmes. The European dimension of/in education. Jean Monnet and the European Integration’s promotion. The recognition of qualifications and study periods: a prerequisite for effective mobility. Equal opportunities.


The EU and the challenges of a historic enlargement and globalization. The first stages of development of the knowledge society and lifelong learning. Investment in lifelong learning. White Paper on the learning society, Specific measures. Two-phase streamlining of Community programmes. The “second reunification”, the inclusion of the Candidate Countries. From six programmes to two (Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci). Consolidated programmes for 2000–06 The first steps towards strengthening political cooperation  : Political cooperation with a view to greater continuity. Quality evaluation and the development of indicators. Intergovernmental initiatives (Bologna and Florence).Measures to remove obstacles to mobility. Cooperation with third countries. The Lisbon strategy. Education and training in the Lisbon strategy. A coherent and lasting framework for policy cooperation. Pursuit of the shared objectives set for 2010. Development of indicators and benchmarks. Four years after Lisbon, the Commission sounds the alarm. Lifelong learning: the overall underlying principle. Renewal of vocational training policy cooperation. Ever closer links between training and education. Higher education is central to a knowledge-based Europe. The “Europe 2020 Agenda”. New skills for new jobs. The future 7 years and the co-operation with the labour market.

LECTURER: Magdalena Musiał-Karg; Beata Przybylska-Maszner


It dealt with various aspects concerning the CEE Enlargement of the EU, the shape of the European integration after 2004 and 2007 Enlargement, and relations with Central and East European countries before and after their accession to the EU. The special emphasis was put on education exchange experiences in certain countries.

CEE vis-à-vis the EC/EU 1989-2004/2007; political, economical and social situation in the Eastern bloc countries before 1989; reforms in CEE in 1989-91; political, economical transition, social changes in CEE and the current situation; the politics of EU enlargement: from association with the EC to accession into the EU; the main difficulties in the accession process; 2003 referenda and campaigns before accession (main pro- and against- arguments); the main challenges after accession; education cooperation between CEE and the EU before and after 2004; Democratic government and decision making in the larger EU; Positive and negative outcomes of the CEE countries accession to the EU; Challenges of the students’ exchange programs.

Key staff

Ettore Deodato

Ettore Deodato has graduated in Political Science and has Master Degrees obtained at Johns  Hopkins University, Baltimore, and College of Europe, Bruges. He worked as Professor at the University of Perugia (IT) and later as Vice-Rector at the College of Europe, Natolin (PL). From 1992 to 2010 he worked as Principal Administrator at the European Commission dealing with Education Programmes (TEMPUS, ERASMUS, JEAN MONNET, LEONARDO) specifically with programme drafting and their relevance to the European Education Policies and being responsible for the European Community Studies Association (ECSA).

Within EDUPOL project Ettore Deodato was assigned the role of the Module Leader. Being responsible for 46 hours of teaching per year he  provided lectures on the following themes: “1948-1968: The Europe of Education before European Community Involvement. The first reunification”, “1969-1984: The early days of Community cooperation and the field of education”, “1985-1992: From the launching of the community programmes to the inclusion of Education in the Treaty”, “1992-2012: The years of the consolidation and the Lisbon Strategy. The “Second Reunification”, enlargement and Europe 2020”.

Magdalena Musial-Karg

Magdalena Musial-Karg has a Master Degree in European Studies (thesis “The role of the referendum institution in the European integration process”) which she obtained at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt on the Oder and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; and a PhD (thesis “Referendum as an institution of direct democracy in European countries”) obtained at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. From 2004 to 2005 she worked at Zespół Szkół Licealnych im. Z. Herberta w Słubicach (Z. Herbert Group of Upper Secondary Schools in Słubice) as a teacher of Civic, Social and Political Education. From 2007 to 2009 she worked at Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania w Białymstoku (University of Finance and Management in Białystok), Faculty of Humanities as a Research Associate. From 2007 to 2008 she worked at University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Political Sciences and European Studies as a Research Associate. From 2008 till nowadays she has been working at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Political Sciences and Journalism as a Research Associate/ Adjunct at the Department of Political Systems.

Within EDUPOL project Magdalena Musial-Karg will carry out two different activities. The first will consist in teaching (12 hours) on THE CENTRAL &EASTERN ENLARGEMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE EDUCATION EXCHANGE EXPERIENCES. These lectures will develop a part of the teaching module undertaken by Dr. Ettore Deodato, consisting in analyzing how the Integration Process (“The second reunification”) has been achieved also through the EU Education Programs and exchange of students and best practices.

The second activity will consist in carrying out the Research Activity on “The impact of ERASMUS students mobility in the Eastern European Countries (Ex PECO)

Beata Przybylska-Maszner

Beata Przybylska-Maszner has a Master Degree in European Studies and a PhD in political science (doctoral thesis entitled European Security and Defence Policy) both obtained at Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Law and Administration in Poznan. Since 2002 she has been a Vice-president of Centre for European Research and Education in Poznań working under projects preparation and their implementation in the field of European education. Since 2004 she has worked as Professor assistant at the Centre for European Integration Research of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

Within EDUPOL project Beata Przybylska-Maszner will carry out two activities. The first will consist in teaching (12 hours) on THE CENTRAL &EASTERN ENLARGEMENT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE EDUCATION EXCHANGE EXPERIENCES. These lectures will develop a part of the teaching module undertaken by Dr. Ettore Deodato, consisting in analyzing how the Integration Process (“The second reunification”) has been achieved also through the EU Education Programs and exchange of students and best practices.

The second activity will consist in carrying out the Research Activity on “The impact of ERASMUS students mobility in the Eastern European Countries (Ex PECO)

Publications: Double reunification through the European Union’s Education PolicyPublications

Double reunification through the European Union’s Education Policy

Edited by Beata Przybylska-Maszner, Magdalena Musiał-Karg, Tomasz Brańka

Faculty of Political Science and Journalism, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 2016



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Selected bibliograph


Ettore Deodato, Iwona Borkowska, Universities as actors and instruments in diplomacy. The academic soft power potential., Valdai Papers, 19.08.2015.