Baltic-Black Sea Connection Project

Name of the project:

Rethinking Regional Studies: the Baltic-Black Sea Connection (BBSR)


15 October 2017 – 14 October 2021


The overall objective of the project is to modernise regional studies in Ukraine through implementing an English-language MA programme in the Baltic and Black Sea region studies. At its core, the project is meant to add value to Ukrainian universities in satisfying the need for comprehensive knowledge in the discipline of international relations and regional studies. The 2-year MA programme in Baltic and Black Sea Region studies, which will be implemented in English at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (IFNUL), as well as the modules implemented in other Ukrainian universities, will provide an excellent opportunity for the students to obtain an interdisciplinary learning experience, combined with innovative teaching practices. The programme will be oriented for both Ukrainian and foreign students, whose academic interests or practical activities are closely related to the Baltic and the Black Sea Region.

Implementation of such MA programme and modules at Ukrainian universities will promote further cooperation between HEIs of Ukraine and HEIs of countries of the Baltic Sea region, introduce comprehensive studies on the whole region, its historical and current political, economic and cultural development, national and international co-operation in and among the countries of the region, as well as the region’s perspectives in the context of European integration and regional cooperation.

The project also provides training to the Ukrainian teaching staff in modern teaching methodology and helps to modernise the teaching environment.


  • University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
  • Lund University, Sweden
  • Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Mariupol State University, Ukraine
  • Odessa National I. I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Results of the project

The project's goal was to modernise regional studies at the Ukrainian partner universities, internationalise their study offer and provide support in implementing international projects.

The project achieved its main goals, which were:

  • creation of an English-language MA programme (the first corresponding to Bologna principles) on Baltic and Black Sea Region Studies at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv thereby modernising regional studies in Ukraine; overall 22 new courses were developed in the four Ukrainian universities;
  • creation of modules on regional studies at other Ukrainian universities, embedded in the international relations studies;
  • new knowledge and skills in regional studies and international relations;
  • facilitating innovative ways as well as the quality of teaching and learning at Ukrainian universities by the purchase of equipment, including smartboards, anti-plagiarism software, access to online resources, and thematic books;
  • in addition to equipment, an adequate training was provided for both teachers and students on academic writing and integrity, plagiarism, innovative teaching methods, blended courses etc.

Among other achievements:

  • the students of Ukrainian universities have received international learning experience both at a winter school in Estonia as well as in Mariupol;
  • the project has intensified other cooperation between the Ukrainian partners themselves and with the EU partners;
  • thanks to the project, decrees have been adopted at IFNUL about the international cooperation and projects;
  • project results have been disseminated on the project webpage and Facebook page, at different conferences and meetings, as well as regional newspapers and TV. The project has contributed to the internationalisation of curricula at partner universities, more effective use of online learning methods, raised awareness of both teachers and students on plagiarism.

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Project web page:

Nowa publikacja projektu “Rethinking Regional Studies: The Baltic-Black Sea Connection (BBSR)”

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  • Introduction: From Sea to Sea and Back: Multi-directional Regionalism in Search of a Name Olga Bogdanova, Andrey Makarychev
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  • The Biopolitics of National Belonging in the Baltic–Black Sea Region Andrey Makarychev, Alexandra Yatsyk
  • Cultural Diversity in the Area Between the Black and Baltic Seas: A Tentative Approach Eleonora Narvselius
  • The Baltic–Black Sea Region in Great Powers’ Relations: The Hard Power Aspect Polina Sinovets, Iryna Maksymenko
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